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Emergency financial assistance, including rent, utilities, and medical expenses.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance

Offers a State of Illinois program that offers a discount on license plate renewal and free rides on fixed-route transit systems.

Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Rental Deposit Assistance
Case/Care Management
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Work Clothing
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Participants receive debit card to pay for cab fare. Uber/Lyft reimbursement upon receipt of emailed receipts to be reimbursed up to a specific dollar amount.
Unemployment bus ticket offered to residents. Each can receive 20 free tickets in a twelve month period; an ID and current piece of mail for proof of address is required to receive tickets.
Services include assistance for homeless prevention and moving out of homelessness; basic needs assistance (rent and utilities); gas vouchers, car repairs, and other transportation assistance; and prescription assistance.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Administers the General Assistance Program for Chickasaw, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek counties to offer emergency financial assistance with rent, utilities, food, burial/cremation, and prescription medications.


Food Vouchers
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Prescription Medication Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance

Provides eligible customers with financial assistance to maintain employment, attend college/trade school, or meet basic transportation needs.

Administers the General Assistance Program for Chickasaw, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek counties to offer emergency financial assistance with rent, utilities, food, burial/cremation, and prescription medications.


Food Vouchers
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Prescription Medication Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Can assist, when funding is available, eligible individuals and families with limited resources in need of help with past due or disconnected utilities, past due rent or mortgage, emergency medical and/or dental services, costs to engage in Mental Health services, costs to maintain or gain internet or phone access, transportation, vehicle repairs, swim lessons, seasonal swim passes, and costs associated with participation in extracurricular activities.

**While some costs may be covered under Federal funding sources, the Crisis Assistance program is largely funded by grants and donations. All Assistance identified above is dependent on available funding.


Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Medical Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Recreational/Leisure/Arts Instruction Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
DART offers a Half Fare program for people to ride for about half the cost of regular bus fare.

Who is Eligible
- Adults 65 and older
- Persons with disabilities
- Refugees
- Students (middle and high school)

Ride to Thrive Program:
DART's half-fare program; acceptance in the program is good for two years with options to renew eligibility.

Who is Eligible
- Individuals receiving food assistance
- Individuals receiving housing assistance
- Individuals receiving workforce assistance (including unemployment and childcare assistance)

How to Enroll in the Half Fare Program or DART's Ride to Thrive Program.

1. Go to the Customer Service window at DART Central Station, 620 Cherry Street, Des Moines, IA 50309. Bring the required documents for your program, visit www.ridedart.com/halffare to see what documents are eligible.
2. Ask for a Half Fare or Ride to Thrive enrollment form and fill it out with your information. Students do not need to apply, but can simply show a current school year ID to buy passes.
3. A Customer Service member will review the form. This usually takes a few minutes unless more documentation is required.
4. If approved, your photo will be taken and you will be given a Half Fare or Ride to Thrive program ID card with your name and photo.
5. Use this ID card to pay with cash on the bus or to buy a bus pass. Ask Customer Service to add Half Fare or Ride to Thrive passes to your MyDART account if you are using the MyDART app to pay.

Cost to Ride:
Riders accepted into the Half Fare program or DART's Ride to Thrive program will receive an ID card* to use when they pay with cash on the bus or buy passes in the MyDART app, at Customer Service or at pass sales outlets. *Students with a current school year ID do not need a separate Half Fare ID card.

Local, Express and On Call (Does not include Paratransit service)
- Single Ride - $0.75
- Day Pass - $2.00
- Weekly Pass - $7.00
- Monthly Pass - $24.00
- Tokens (1 token = 1 ride) - 10/$7.50


Transportation Passes
Transportation Expense Assistance

Offers a State of Illinois program that offers a discount on license plate renewal and free rides on fixed-route transit systems.

Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation is a Community Action Agency. Family Service Specialists work with individuals and families facing difficult and crisis situations. They are able to provide assistance in connecting to needed community programs and services. In addition, base on funding and donations, the office can support a crisis fund which allows them to provide assistance with rent, medical and prescription expenses, gas money, utilities, and other basic necessities when the household is facing an emergency situation. The agency actively seeks funds for the crisis program and all funds donated to a county stay in that county and are used to support the residents of that county.


Electric Service Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
General Relief
Community Action Agencies
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Rent Payment Assistance
Wheels for Work is a car ownership program designed to help eligible families and individuals purchase an affordable and dependable vehicle. The program offers 0% interest loans to people who are working and meet eligibility requirements. The maximum loan amount is $6000 and monthly payments are $150. The car buyer must provide full coverage insurance on the vehicle for the length of the loan.
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Can assist, when funding is available, eligible individuals and families with limited resources in need of help with past due or disconnected utilities, past due rent or mortgage, emergency medical and/or dental services, costs to engage in Mental Health services, costs to maintain or gain internet or phone access, transportation, vehicle repairs, swim lessons, seasonal swim passes, and costs associated with participation in extracurricular activities.

**While some costs may be covered under Federal funding sources, the Crisis Assistance program is largely funded by grants and donations. All Assistance identified above is dependent on available funding.


Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Medical Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Recreational/Leisure/Arts Instruction Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Offers crisis funding for those needing transportation assistance, rent, utilities, medicine and other bills to help families out in a crisis situation.


Medical Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance

Helps low-income seniors ages 65 and older or individuals with disabilities apply for reduced-price car registration and free city bus passes through the Illinois Department on Aging Benefit Access program (previously known as the Circuit Breaker program).

Helps with the online benefits application and with the required proof of income submission.


General Benefits and Services Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Offered to those who have a vehicle and a medical appointment in Iowa City.


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Transportation Expense Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Comprehensive Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Work Clothing
Assistance in emergency situations with basic needs such as shelter, food, utility, cremation, medical/dental care referrals and special needs. Participation in this program requires agreement for repayment when appropriate. All financial assistance is made directly to the vendors.


General Relief
Transportation Expense Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Mental Health Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Medical Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Work Clothing
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Case/Care Management
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance

When funding allows, may be able to help with limited financial assistance for basic needs such as childcare payments, utilities, food, hygiene products, car repairs, transportation, prescription costs, etc., through the Community Services Block Grant. Eligibility requirements will apply, and ongoing case management will be required. Contact your local County Outreach Office for more information.


Child Care Expense Assistance
Temporary Financial Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Personal/Grooming Needs
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Food Vouchers