Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation is a Community Action Agency. Family Service Specialists work with individuals and families facing difficult and crisis situations. They are able to provide assistance in connecting to needed community programs and services.
In addition, base on funding and donations, the office can support a crisis fund which allows them to provide assistance with rent, medical and prescription expenses, gas money, utilities, and other basic necessities when the household is facing an emergency situation. The agency actively seeks funds for the crisis program and all funds donated to a county stay in that county and are used to support the residents of that county.
Wheels for Work is a car ownership program designed to help eligible families and individuals purchase an affordable and dependable vehicle. The program offers 0% interest loans to people who are working and meet eligibility requirements. The maximum loan amount is $6000 and monthly payments are $150. The car buyer must provide full coverage insurance on the vehicle for the length of the loan.
Travelers Aid may help with a voucher from the Salvation Army (when funds are available) for a tank of gas if person is on the highway outside Omaha city limits.
Salvation Army may be able to assist with emergency food, fuel, shelter (vouchers). Some units may provide "Christmas Cheer", aid to disaster victims, prescription expense assistance, aid for health needs, and assistance with utility bills (including heating fuel, water, gas, telephone, and electric bills). There may be some transportation in the form of gas vouchers for automobiles may be provided (must have person at destination who can be contacted to confirm).
Assists families with a portion of heating or water utilities, burials, medical expenses, rent or mortgage payments, bus tokens, cab fare, or a one way bus ticket. Must meet qualification guidelines.
Provides assistance to Warren County residents who meet county guidelines. Assistance is given to those in need and poor who are unable to get assistance from other sources or that assistance is being delayed. Applicants must apply for all possible state and federal programs they may qualify for in order to receive assistance and comply with these programs.
Assistance includes the services food pantry, rental assistance, utility assistance (must have a disconnect and made payments), medical, dental, and prescription assistance, as well as information and referral for such needs.
If you are a Veteran that has served during designated times and have an honorable discharge you would need to contact the office of Warren County Veteran Affairs to complete the application with them.
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.
SSVF is a Veterans Affairs funded program which is delivered through Primary Health Care. This program is focused on helping homeless and unstably-housed Veterans and their families living in Warren, Polk, Dallas, Jasper, Story, and Marshall Counties. Services provided include:
CASE MANAGEMENT services that will assist participants in obtaining VA and other public benefits, including: health care referrals, daily living referrals, personal financial planning, fiduciary and payee referrals, legal services, housing counseling services, employment and training referrals.
TEMPORARY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (TFA) which may include rent assistance, moving expenses, security and utility deposits, transportation, and child care. All financial services based on eligibility and available funding.
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.
Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.
Gas vouchers are only available for medical appointment in Iowa City (University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics or VA Hospital). Verification of appointment is required at the time of request. Appointment must be within the week of request.
Provides assistance to all eligible Veterans discharged from active military service under honorable conditions and/or their family members in applying for federal benefits and other Veteran's aid. Can also assist with some emergency funding when available.
Travelers Aid may help with a voucher from the Salvation Army (when funds are available) for a tank of gas if person is on the highway outside Omaha city limits.
Those starting work, attending school, and who need to go to a doctor's appointments will receive local bus tickets when available. Gas cards are limited. Proof must be provided.
Can assist, when funding is available, eligible individuals and families with limited resources in need of help with past due or disconnected utilities, past due rent or mortgage, emergency medical and/or dental services, costs to engage in Mental Health services, costs to maintain or gain internet or phone access, transportation, vehicle repairs, swim lessons, seasonal swim passes, and costs associated with participation in extracurricular activities.
**While some costs may be covered under Federal funding sources, the Crisis Assistance program is largely funded by grants and donations. All Assistance identified above is dependent on available funding.
Provides emergency payment vouchers for people in need of short term emergency type assistance to meet their basic needs. It is not intended to provide on-going long term aid to any individual/or family. Services include financial assistance with rent, utilities, food and transportation expense assistance for medical treatment not available in Clarke County.
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.
Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.
Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.
Travelers Aid may help with a voucher from the Salvation Army (when funds are available) for a tank of gas if person is on the highway outside Omaha city limits.
Offers crisis funding for those needing transportation assistance, rent, utilities, medicine and other bills to help families out in a crisis situation.