Special Programs
LIHEAP also offers a crisis program that may be able to assist homeowners who are with no heat or limited heat. The furnace component for crisis runs October 1-April 30th.
Handles the social services needs of county residents, which may be related to emergency financial assistance.
Advises and aids veterans and their dependents in applying for federal benefits through compensation or pension claims. Emergency financial assistance for basic necessities such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities and food may be available for Veterans and their dependents. Can also assists with applications for benefits made available by federal, state or local laws.
Provides rides to medical appointments to the VA Hospital in either Knoxville or Des Moines. Call at least 5 days ahead with the date of appointment and the time and location.
***Please note our transportation is not handicap accessible***
Household size annual gross income
1 $25,760
2 $34,840
3 $43,920
4 $53,000
5 $62,080
6 $71,160
7 $80,240
8 $89,320
May have some crisis funding available outside the normal LIHEAP months, call local County Outreach Office for availability of funding.
Advises and aids veterans and their dependents in applying for federal benefits through compensation or pension claims. Emergency financial assistance for basic necessities such as rent, mortgage interests payments, utilities, and burial expenses may be available. Can also assists with applications for benefits made available by federal, state or local laws.
Advises and aids veterans and their dependents in applying for federal benefits through compensation or pension claims. Emergency financial assistance for basic necessities such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities and food may be available. Can also assists with applications for benefits made available by federal, state or local laws.
Energy assistance program for low income households with assistance paying part of fuel bills through the winter months (Federal Fuel Assistance Program). Applications are accepted November-April. For those that are elderly or disabled, applications are accepted October-April. Call for an appointment. A letter has been sent to those who may be eligible for early application in August or September.
**This program is not designed to pay a household's total energy costs. The program will provide supplemental assistance based on several factors. This is a one-time payment to your energy provider.
INCOME MAXIMUMS (200% of federal poverty guidelines):
Household size annual gross income
1 $30,120
2 $40,880
3 $51,640
4 $62,400
5 $73,160
6 $83,920
Each additional household member add $10,760
Rent assistance is only available if client has received an eviction notice.
Provides assistance to individuals and families in Clay County who need help with rent, utility bills, and burial services.
The program is designed to provide short-term emergency assistance to persons who are experiencing a financial crisis and are unable to be supported by their own means, relatives, or other public and private sources and cannot obtain assistance from any other source. It is not intended to provide on-going, long term aid to any individual or family. Must meet current income and resource guidelines to be eligible for assistance.
May have some crisis funding available outside the normal LIHEAP months, call local County Outreach Office for availability of funding.
Advises and aids veterans and their dependents in applying for federal benefits through compensation or pension claims. Emergency financial assistance for basic necessities such as rent, mortgage interests payments, utilities, burial expense and food may be available. Can also assists with applications for benefits made available by federal, state or local laws.
First apply for assistance at the Nebraska Deptartment of Health and Human Services ( for an eligibility determination and referrals to community agencies with Letter of Eligibility, then schedule an appointment with the Community Service Coordinator.
First apply for assistance at the Nebraska Deptartment of Health and Human Services ( for an eligibility determination and referrals to community agencies with Letter of Eligibility, then schedule an appointment with the Community Service Coordinator.
Assistance includes the services food pantry, rental assistance, utility assistance (must have a disconnect and made payments), medical, dental, and prescription assistance, as well as information and referral for such needs.
If you are a Veteran that has served during designated times and have an honorable discharge you would need to contact the office of Warren County Veteran Affairs to complete the application with them.