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Offers adult probation services, juvenile court services, community services, work program and alcohol diversion program.


Court Ordered Community Service Referral Programs
District component of the Nebraska Statewide Probation System providing services for felons and misdemeanors in Lancaster County and the District Court, as well as cases from districts within Nebraska and inter-state. Investigates prior to sentencing and supervises probationers for Lancaster County and the District Court.
Monitors all adult and juvenile probationers for the court in Rock Island County and conducts pre-sentence investigations, pre-trial supervision, and many other services for the court; the program primarily supervises adult and juvenile offenders placed on a term of probation by the court for a criminal offense.
Administers probation supervision, pre-trial release, pre-sentence investigation, and parole services for Warren County.


Correctional Services
Electronic Monitoring of Detention
Bail Hearings
We provide parole and probation and presentence services for justice involved adults. We provide court ordered domestic violence educational interventions for adults convicted of family/domestic violence.
Community corrections supervises adults placed under the supervision of this department by Iowa Courts and the Iowa Parole Board, regarding parole, probation, pre-trial release and pre-sentence investigation.
Administers probation supervision, pre-trial release, pre-sentence investigation, and parole services to individuals.


Electronic Monitoring of Detention
Bail Hearings
Correctional Services
We provide parole and probation and presentence services for justice involved adults. We provide court ordered domestic violence educational interventions for adults convicted of family/domestic violence.
Prepares court reports for the Juvenile Court of Lancaster County. Supervises youth placed on probation or temporary orders of supervision by the Juvenile Court of Lancaster County.
Administers probation supervision, pre-trial release, pre-sentence investigation, and parole services to individuals.


Bail Hearings
Electronic Monitoring of Detention
Correctional Services
Provides correctional services and programs in Polk County.

Low Risk Probation - Designed for low-risk, minimum supervision offenders that are given Court ordered conditions, specific to the offender, to be completed in a designated time period while on probation.

Parole - Supervision of convicted offenders following granting of parole by the State Board of Parole from a state institution, half-way house, or OWI prison.

Adult Probation - provides probation supervision for adult offenders.

Youthful Offender Program/Drug Court - This program is offered at the discretion of the Department and Polk County Attorney's Office to qualified juvenile offenders waived to adult court on felony charges and young adults under the age of twenty-two who are charged with a first time felony. Staff assess, refer and monitor offenders who are sent to community-based substance abuse programs.


Electronic Monitoring of Detention
Correctional Services
Provides correctional services and programs in Polk County

Pre-Sentence Investigation (1000 Washington Avenue, Des Moines). A full-life history of an offender ordered by and provided to the Court to aid the judge in determining an appropriate sentence and/or correctional plan.

Adult Intensive Supervision Parole/Probation (910/1000 Washington Street, Des Moines). Intensive supervision/treatment.

Youthful Offender Pre-Trial Intervention Program (Bldg 65/66 Fort Des Moines, Des Moines). Youths ages 16 to 19 facing first time felony charges for crimes other than injury-causing assaults or involving dangerous weapons. Youths must be willing to plead guilty to criminal activity, although once the program has been completed, the charge is reduced to a non-felony offense. Within six months are required to perform community service, receive academic training, employment and other counseling, drug or alcohol abuse treatment if needed; and take part in a victim-offender reconciliation program.


Bail Hearings
Electronic Monitoring of Detention
Diversion Programs
Correctional Services
Adult probation program that offers sentencing alternatives for individuals court-ordered to probation in Story County. Clients remain in the community, make restitution to victims, and complete classes/programs deemed important to their successful reintegration into the community. Probation supervisors oversee and emphasize completion of court-ordered conditions of probation.
Supervised release for offenders which emphasizes employment stability, victim restitution, community service sentencing, use of community resources, one-on-one counseling, and surveillance of the offender in the community.
Supervises adult parolees from Federal Penitentiaries and adult probationers from Federal District Courts of the Southern District of Iowa, or other Federal Probationers resident in the District. Makes pre-sentence and pre-parole investigations.
Offers adult probation services, juvenile court services, community services, work program and alcohol diversion program.


Court Ordered Community Service Referral Programs
Provides probation supervision for offenders after being convicted of a criminal offense as ordered by the Court; in lieu of incarceration.
We provide parole and probation and presentence services for justice involved adults. We provide court ordered domestic violence educational interventions for adults convicted of family/domestic violence.
Low-moderate risk probation services as ordered by Washington County District Court. Community referral services if applicable.


Substance Use Disorder Counseling
DUI Offender Programs
Juvenile Court Services provides supervision for delinquent youth under 18 who are involved with the court and or probation systems.
Community corrections supervises adults placed under the supervision of this department by Iowa Courts and the Iowa Parole Board, regarding parole, probation, pre-trial release and pre-sentence investigation.
Juvenile division monitors juvenile probationers for the court in Rock Island County.

Provides adult and juvenile parole and probation office.


County Government Departments/Offices
We provide parole and probation and presentence services for justice involved adults. We provide court ordered domestic violence educational interventions for adults convicted of family/domestic violence.
Offers adult probation services, juvenile court services, community services, work program and alcohol diversion program.


Court Ordered Community Service Referral Programs