Provides a wide variety of services to member schools, including professional development opportunities, digital learning and internet services, and student supports for individuals with special needs.
The Early Development Network service coordination is a free service for families and children ages birth to three who have developmental delays, difficulties with speech and language, health issues, fine and gross motor difficulties, behavior issues, need to access community resources, and other concerns.
Educational Support Services to public and nonpublic schools including school improvement, special education, and media. Special Education Services include:
The School District Office provides the administration of the public school services for all students in the school district.
Services include:
Child-find services which assess pre-school children to identify any developmental concerns as well as the child's readiness for kindergarten;
Early intervention services for pre-school children (beginning at 3 years old) with identified developmental delays providing special preschool services, therapies, or other needed supports for the child;
Creating, with the parents, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children with special education needs and ensuring that the services required by the plan are provided for the student; and
Student counseling services, including counseling and guidance for all students in the district in the areas of personal, social academic, and career concerns.
The school district also provides a Homeless Liaison, who coordinates the necessary services and support for any student in the district who is homeless (this includes providing transportation to and from school as well as other support that may be needed by the student).
Children's Services are provided to people under the age of 21. Supports may include residential services, supported/intermittent, host home, day services, transitional services, special education or early intervention.
Children's Extensive Services focus on supporting families by providing respite care and community connector services to children living within their family home.
Special education services for students with all type of disabilities ages birth to 21.
Specialists in speech pathology, hearing, vision, physical, and occupational therapies.
Professional development for all levels of staff within both public and private schools specializing in math, reading, science, and early childhood curriculum areas.
School and community planning and addressing long-range goals for schools.
Provides training in many school climate issues around bullying, discipline, and addressing at risk factors.
Special education services for students with all type of disabilities ages birth to 21.
Specialists in speech pathology, hearing, vision, physical, and occupational therapies.
Professional development for all levels of staff within both public and private schools specializing in math, reading, science, and early childhood curriculum areas.
School and community planning and addressing long-range goals for schools.
Provides training in many school climate issues around bullying, discipline, and addressing at risk factors.
Provide leadership for school improvement, student learning and living. Serves all children in need of speech-language, school social work, special education nursing, audiology and hearing, physical and occupational therapy. Leadership provided through services to its districts by working in school-community planning, professional development, curriculum instruction assessment, school management, and school technology.
Provide leadership for school improvement, student learning and living. Serves all children in need of speech-language, school social work, special education nursing, audiology and hearing, physical and occupational therapy. Leadership provided through services to its districts by working in school-community planning, professional development, curriculum instruction assessment, school management, and school technology.
The School District Office provides the administration of the public school services for all students in the school district.
Services include:
Child-find services which assess pre-school children to identify any developmental concerns as well as the child's readiness for kindergarten,
Early intervention services for pre-school children (beginning at 3 years old) with identified developmental delays providing special preschool services, therapies, or other needed supports for the child,
Creating with the parents an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children with special education needs and ensuring that the services required by the plan are provided for the student, and
Student counseling services, including counseling and guidance for all students in the district in the areas of personal, social academic, and career concerns.
The school district also provides a Homeless Liaison, who coordinates the necessary services and support for any student in the district who is homeless (this includes providing transportation to and from school as well as other support that may be needed by the student).
Programming is offered for preschool through transition aged. Users of American Sign Language, spoken English or both are served. Transition-to-work-or-college program has 85% of students continuing working 5 years after exit. Sign language classes for distance students, numerous free social activities and extended learning programming.
The School District Office provides the administration of the public school services for all students in the school district.
Services include:
Child-find services which assess pre-school children to identify any developmental concerns as well as the child's readiness for kindergarten,
Early intervention services for pre-school children (beginning at 3 years old) with identified developmental delays providing special preschool services, therapies, or other needed supports for the child,
Creating with the parents an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children with special education needs and ensuring that the services required by the plan are provided for the student, and
Student counseling services, including counseling and guidance for all students in the district in the areas of personal, social academic, and career concerns.
The school district also provides a Homeless Liaison, who coordinates the necessary services and support for any student in the district who is homeless (this includes providing transportation to and from school as well as other support that may be needed by the student).
Services designed to achieve a better balance of educational opportunities for students regardless of the population, financial differences, or geographic limitations of school districts. Services include: special education services, administrative services, teaching & learning services, technology services, and more.
Provides consultant service, technical assistance, staff development, program development, and information regarding special education programs and services in Iowa. Special education instructional programs and support services are provided by the Area Education Agencies (AEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to Iowa's children with disabilities in accordance with state and federal rules and regulations. "Children with disabilities" includes those having mental disabilities, hearing impairments including deafness, speech or language impairments, visual impairments including blindness, behavior disorders, physical disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, learning disabilities, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who because of those impairments need special education and related services. Families suspecting their child may be in need of special education should contact the superintendent of the Local Education Agency in which the child resides or the regions AEA director of special education.
MEDIATION services are available through the Bureau to assist in resolving disagreements between families and school personnel regarding special education services provided to the child.
The Early ACCESS program for children birth to age 3 provides evaluations to identify children with special needs. Children ages birth to 3 years old with special needs are connected to early intervention services. In addition, Early Childhood Special Education services are available for children ages 3 to 5 who are identified as needing special education services.
Curriculum and Instruction offers gifted education, K-12 curriculum, work experience programs, mentoring programs, and summer youth employment opportunities.
Lunch and breakfast program provides a free or reduced price breakfast and lunch to financially-eligible students. Applications are available at a child's school or the district office.
Special Education provides education for students with disabilities from birth to graduation and/or age 21 including special classes; resource programs; speech, physical and occupational therapy; audiologist services; work study counselors; and liaison personnel. Services are provided for students with hearing impairments, behavior disorders, mental handicaps (mild, moderate and severe/profound), home-bound, learning disabilities, orthopedic impairments, speech/language impairments, visual handicaps, and other health impairments.
Student Parent Program assists high school age students who are parents or prospective parents to stay in school and graduate; establish good health practices for themselves and their children; learn and use quality parenting skills; learn to balance responsibilities of school, children, and personal development; and develop career and life plans. The program is available in every Lincoln high school and middle school. Student/parent teams usually involve a school nurse, counselor and teacher; day care for infants is provided at Lincoln Northeast, and for infants and toddlers at Lincoln High School through learning centers that work with young children while the parents are in school.
Students with hearing impairments are most often served in their local school districts by a staff of deaf educators and educational interpreters. The deaf educators and interpreters work as part of the local school team with other special educators and classroom teachers.
The School District Office provides the administration of the public school services for all students in the school district.
Services include:
Child-find services which assess pre-school children to identify any developmental concerns as well as the child's readiness for kindergarten,
Early intervention services for pre-school children (beginning at 3 years old) with identified developmental delays providing special preschool services, therapies, or other needed supports for the child,
Creating with the parents an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children with special education needs and ensuring that the services required by the plan are provided for the student, and
Student counseling services, including counseling and guidance for all students in the district in the areas of personal, social academic, and career concerns.
The school district also provides a Homeless Liaison, who coordinates the necessary services and support for any student in the district who is homeless (this includes providing transportation to and from school as well as other support that may be needed by the student).
Provides professional development and leadership to promote school improvement, a variety of instructional services, special education support services (birth to age 21), and technology and media services.
Educational programs, services, and leadership for public and non-public schools in six Eastern Iowa counties. Services and resources from the Mississippi Bend AEA are available to local schools without charge, except some non-mandated services.
The School District Office provides the administration of the public school services for all students in the school district. Services include:
Child-find services which assess pre-school children to identify any developmental concerns as well as the child's readiness for kindergarten;
Early intervention services for pre-school children (beginning at 3 years old) with identified developmental delays providing special preschool services, therapies, or other needed supports for the child;
Creating, with the parents, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for children with special education needs and ensuring that the services required by the plan are provided for the student; and
Student counseling services, including counseling and guidance for all students in the district in the areas of personal, social academic, and career concerns.
The school district also provides a Homeless Liaison, who coordinates the necessary services and support for any student in the district who is homeless (this includes providing transportation to and from school as well as other support that may be needed by the student).
Children's Services are provided to people under the age of 21. Supports may include residential services, supported/intermittent, host home, day services, transitional services, special education or early intervention.
Children's Extensive Services focus on supporting families by providing respite care and community connector services to children living within their family home.