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Offers help with career planning, college selection assistance, help filling out the FAFSA, award letter review and college access issues.


College/University Entrance Support
Student Career Counseling
Career Counseling
Provides a comprehensive array of services to reduce barriers to school attendance and increase student engagement. Year-round services include the Community Coach Program an alternative to court involvement, detention, and out of school suspensions. The Youth Attendance Navigators address chronic absenteeism; the Whitney M. Young Jr. Academy provides college and career prep activities.


Career Counseling
Youth Enrichment Programs
Dropout Programs
Student Career Counseling
College/University Entrance Support
Offers help with career planning, college selection assistance, help filling out the FAFSA, award letter review and college access issues.


College/University Entrance Support
Student Career Counseling
Career Counseling

Offers a 10 week course where students can learn from volunteers about interviewing skills, resume building, and different career paths.

Identifies disadvantaged youth in grades 6-12 who have potential for post-secondary education, and encourages them to graduate from secondary schools and enroll in post-secondary education.

Services may include after school and tutorial homework assistance, career exploration activities, providing and assisting in completion of the ACT, college campus tours, and academic advising.

Staff encourages high school dropouts to return to school.

Participating schools:
Middle Schools: Culler, Dawes, Lefler, Mickle, Park
High Schools: Northeast, Northstar, Lincoln High


College/University Entrance Examination Preparation
Student Career Counseling
College/University Entrance Support
Tutoring Services
Dropout Programs
Provides a comprehensive array of services to reduce barriers to school attendance and increase student engagement. Year-round services include the Community Coach Program an alternative to court involvement, detention, and out of school suspensions. The Youth Attendance Navigators address chronic absenteeism; the Whitney M. Young Jr. Academy provides college and career prep activities.


Career Counseling
Youth Enrichment Programs
Dropout Programs
Student Career Counseling
College/University Entrance Support

Provides a chance for young females to sit with and listen to female CEO's of local businesses on how they run their business. Students are able to learn from a variety of women from different fields of interest.


Youth Enrichment Programs
Student Career Counseling
Youth Academic Navigators are education-focused case managers who check in with students frequently and help with issues as they emerge to ensure students are making progress and earning credits in school.

Tutoring and elective classes offered for students who need academic assistance or alternative ways to earn high school credit. Certified teachers specialize in creating a small, caring classroom environment with a focus on individual students and their success.

Career Navigators assist students with postsecondary planning and connections for both career and educational opportunities. Services are also available to graduates.

Reengagement Partnership with Omaha Public Schools staff members to reengage students who have withdrawn from school but are eligible to enroll. The Career Navigator also partners with OPS Multiple Pathways programs to provide services in postsecondary planning and connections to students in these programs.


Career Counseling
Student Career Counseling
Tutoring Services
Case/Care Management
Higher Education Bridge Programs
Dropout Programs
Academic Counseling

Provides free services to low income 6th-12th graders who are potential first generation college students. The program provides career and college exploration, college campus visits, ACT Test Prep, financial aid application assistance, college and scholarship application assistance and guidance through the college process. May also provide ACT testing fee waivers and college application fee waivers for eligible students.


Higher Education Bridge Programs
College/University Entrance Examination Preparation
Student Career Counseling
College/University Entrance Support