Traditional Group Home offers training in self-help skills, household management and leisure-time skills. These programs integrate people into the community in the least restrictive environment. All individuals are encouraged to have an outside activity. Group home sites are in Red Oak, Malvern, and Shenandoah.
Community Support Program teaches independent living skills to persons living in their own apartment or home. Individuals receive additional support services as needed such as transportation, personal shopping, meal planning, socialization, self-help skills, household management skills, and money management.
Supported Community Living Program provides up to 24 hours of support to assist individuals with their daily needs.
Respite Care Program provides short-term relief in the absence of the family or caregiver, such as a vacation or a night out.
Traditional Group Home offers training in self-help skills, household management and leisure-time skills. These programs integrate people into the community in the least restrictive environment. All individuals are encouraged to have an outside activity. Group home sites are in Red Oak, Malvern, and Shenandoah.
Community Support Program teaches independent living skills to persons living in their own apartment or home. Individuals receive additional support services as needed such as transportation, personal shopping, meal planning, socialization, self-help skills, household management skills, and money management.
Supported Community Living Program provides up to 24 hours of support to assist individuals with their daily needs.
Respite Care Program provides short-term relief in the absence of the family or caregiver, such as a vacation or a night out.
Blind Services works with individuals one-on-one to instruct persons who have lost (or are losing) their vision, on how to read Braille and organize their household and travel. Produces and replicates Braille materials. Translates materials such as menus and brochures into Braille and produces multiple copies as a service to the community. (There is a normal cost per Braille page produced, plus $25 per hour for formatting.)
Captioning at Real Time (CART) provides the translation of spoken words into text using a stenotype machine operated by a stenographer/reporter. Real-time software is used to display the text onto a computer monitor, and a projector or other device is used to display the text on a television or larger screen. CART is especially valuable in large meetings or in communications with a person who is deaf or has hearing loss. CART can be utilized in following settings: community events and workshops, government, legal, educational, medical, theater and auditorium, and captioning of movies and videos.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services provides one-on-one services for independent living skills training, information and referral, advocacy, and peer counseling. Serves as a TTY Distribution site for ITAC (Illinois Telecommunications Access Commission), which provides free TTY devices to Illinois residents. Distributes applications for Iowa TTY distributions for Iowa residents who are qualified (speech impaired or hard of hearing). Distributes amplified phones for residents of Illinois of all ages who have a difficult time hearing on the phone.
Provide information and resources on low-tech independent living devices such as magnifiers, talking watches, etc., when funding is available.
Housing assistance provides information and problem-solving assistance with locating and securing affordable, accessible housing, including research into public and private-sector housing markets.
Information and Referral service provides information through Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent Living's system and library. Requests for information can be made by phone, mail, or in person, and can include loans of library materials.
Outreach services offers presentations, brochures, media releases, public service announcements, media interviews, and video programs to inform the public of programs and services offered.
Volunteers are utilized in programs, services, and office operations; volunteers receive training and supervision appropriate to their duties.
Blind Services works with individuals one-on-one to instruct persons who have lost (or are losing) their vision, on how to read Braille and organize their household and travel. Produces and replicates Braille materials. Translates materials such as menus and brochures into Braille and produces multiple copies as a service to the community. (There is a normal cost per Braille page produced, plus $25 per hour for formatting.)
Captioning at Real Time (CART) provides the translation of spoken words into text using a stenotype machine operated by a stenographer/reporter. Real-time software is used to display the text onto a computer monitor, and a projector or other device is used to display the text on a television or larger screen. CART is especially valuable in large meetings or in communications with a person who is deaf or has hearing loss. CART can be utilized in following settings: community events and workshops, government, legal, educational, medical, theater and auditorium, and captioning of movies and videos.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services provides one-on-one services for independent living skills training, information and referral, advocacy, and peer counseling. Serves as a TTY Distribution site for ITAC (Illinois Telecommunications Access Commission), which provides free TTY devices to Illinois residents. Distributes applications for Iowa TTY distributions for Iowa residents who are qualified (speech impaired or hard of hearing). Distributes amplified phones for residents of Illinois of all ages who have a difficult time hearing on the phone.
Provide information and resources on low-tech independent living devices such as magnifiers, talking watches, etc., when funding is available.
Housing assistance provides information and problem-solving assistance with locating and securing affordable, accessible housing, including research into public and private-sector housing markets.
Information and Referral service provides information through Illinois/Iowa Center for Independent Living's system and library. Requests for information can be made by phone, mail, or in person, and can include loans of library materials.
Outreach services offers presentations, brochures, media releases, public service announcements, media interviews, and video programs to inform the public of programs and services offered.
Volunteers are utilized in programs, services, and office operations; volunteers receive training and supervision appropriate to their duties.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Barrier Removal and Information Center offers consultations to consumers, builders, businesses and organizations to increase accessibility within the home and community. Modifications to homes include redesigning living areas, and installing outside ramps and grab bars. In addition, grant assistance is offered to income- and geographically-eligible persons with disabilities.
Center for Independent Living services include information and referral, independent living skills training, financial benefits counseling, and awareness training for the general public and organizations regarding disability issues. In addition, the Center assists clients in the development and implementation of independent living plans in the following areas: home and financial management; social skills; sexuality; consumer and legal rights; peer counseling; equipment loan, repair and rental; and individual and systems advocacy.
Barrier Removal and Information Center offers consultations to consumers, builders, businesses and organizations to increase accessibility within the home and community. Modifications to homes include redesigning living areas, and installing outside ramps and grab bars. In addition, grant assistance is offered to income- and geographically-eligible persons with disabilities.
Center for Independent Living services include information and referral, independent living skills training, financial benefits counseling, and awareness training for the general public and organizations regarding disability issues. In addition, the Center assists clients in the development and implementation of independent living plans in the following areas: home and financial management; social skills; sexuality; consumer and legal rights; peer counseling; equipment loan, repair and rental; and individual and systems advocacy.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Offers community and residential support services help people learn some or all of the skills necessary to plan, shop for and prepare their own meals, do their laundry, clean their home, and enjoy community events and activities.
Offers community and residential support services help people learn some or all of the skills necessary to plan, shop for and prepare their own meals, do their laundry, clean their home, and enjoy community events and activities.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.
Information and referral for disability services.
Independent living skills training that will enable an individual with disabilities to remain in their home, or when transitioning into their first independent living.
Advocacy for individuals and systems that serve them.
Driver's Education School is DMV certified; provides evaluation of reaction time, visual perception, and behind the wheel skills. Education and training includes classroom and on-the-road instruction. Offers adaptive equipment evaluation and training.
Durable medical equipment rent/loan at Grand Island and Scottsbluff locations. Donations of equipment accepted.
Peer mentoring, where people with disabilities support each other in their daily lives.
Housing counseling assists people with disabilities in locating, acquiring, and maintaining safe, affordable, accessible housing.