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Assistance in finding education/training or employment.

Provides FIP recipients with experience that will enhance their work skills and increase their employment potential, while providing a service that will benefit the community. They will, to the maximum extent possible, learn and perform all assignments associated with a position. Participants do not receive wages for work performed, but instead receive a transportation allowance, child care assistance if necessary, and Workers' Compensation Coverage from Promise Jobs.


Job Search/Placement
Welfare to Work Programs
Occupation Specific Job Training

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Work Permits
General Youth Employment Programs
Summer Youth Employment Programs

Daily shelter with a capacity for 10-15 people. Meals provided daily. Showers also available.

GDC serves low income, homeless and/or recently incarcerated individuals. Services include:

-- Free or low-cost tattoo removal program

-- Economic assistance to obtain State ID, birth certificate, and applying for social security

-- Mental health group/individual therapy

-- Assistance with employment process

-- Stress reduction classes

-- Bus tickets*

-- Opportunity for community services

-- Clothing

-- Finance classes*

*Class schedules are limited to a certain number of participants and are scheduled on certain days. Bus ticket availability will vary by day.


Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Employment Related Transportation
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Personal/Grooming Needs
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Homeless Drop In Centers
General Clothing Provision
Food Pantries
Ex-Offender Counseling
Home Delivered Meals
Soup Kitchens

Health education and training to participants, health and social service providers, and the community at large. Includes nutrition education, infant CPR, breastfeeding, and pregnancy education.

Courses related to maternal/child health, anger management, intimate partner violence, healthy relationships, money management, job readiness, and more.

Community meetings quarterly that address key issues that impact infant mortality.


Anger Management
Prejob Guidance
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
CPR Instruction
Nutrition Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Financial Literacy Training
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
General Health Education Programs
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Job Retraining
Unemployment Insurance
Work Permits
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Vocational, residential, and day services support and training to persons with developmental disabilities and/or related conditions.


Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs
Job Search/Placement
Vocational Rehabilitation
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training

Provides FIP recipients with experience that will enhance their work skills and increase their employment potential, while providing a service that will benefit the community. They will, to the maximum extent possible, learn and perform all assignments associated with a position. Participants do not receive wages for work performed, but instead receive a transportation allowance, child care assistance if necessary, and Workers' Compensation Coverage from Promise Jobs.


Job Search/Placement
Welfare to Work Programs
Occupation Specific Job Training
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Benefits Planning and Work Incentives Counseling assists Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 14 to full retirement age in understanding how federal disability cash (SSDI/SSI), healthcare (Medicare/Medicaid) and other public benefits are impacted by income from work, providing the assurances needed to make informed decisions about working while disabled. This service also helps individuals identify and strategically use state/federal work incentives that best align with their work goals. Employment Services are provided under the Ticket to Work Program. The Ticket to Work program is uniquely designed for disability beneficiaries ages 18-64, that are currently receiving SSDI or SSI cash benefits, to obtain, maintain or advance in employment. Opportunity Consultants support individuals through the Nebraska Ticket to Work program by delivering career planning, goal setting, resume preparation, job search assistance, community resource navigation and personalized follow-along support. Participants also receive benefits education, healthcare planning and work incentive advisement.
Provides options for career exploration, training and education, resources for financial literacy and housing services.


Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Job Search/Placement
Financial Literacy Training
A work training program for low-income job seekers age 55 and over. SCSEP offers job counseling, job training and support to help individuals make the transition to permanent employment. Participants usually work 20 hours per week and receive no less than the current minimum wage. The goal of the program is to help participants develop their work capabilities and obtain permanent employment with the assigned host agency or in the private sector. The U.S. Department of Labor gives each organization or state an annual grant to pay for its SCSEP program.


Computer Literacy Training Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Resource and referral agency that fosters economic and emotional stability for heads of households. Meet with staff to discuss:
--Constant money shortages
--Better job with better hours
--Preparing a resume and practicing for a job interview
--Community resources for which clients may be eligible
--Enrolling in school to increase earning power
--Applying for local single parent scholarships for associate or bachelor degree college courses
--Applying for the United Way Certification Course scholarships for women in transition
--'How to' on parenting, working and attending school at the same time
--How to budget and shop for a used car
--Referrals to appropriate legal counsel


Comprehensive Information and Referral
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Personal Financial Counseling
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Works with individuals who have disabilities to achieve their employment, independence and economic goals.


Vocational Assessment
Prevocational Training
Subsidized Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides one-on-one assistance to job seekers for job searches, resume assistance, interview preparation, and employer connections. Multiple Career Fairs during the year connect job seekers with employers. Walk-ins and also pre-arranged appointments with a Career Coach are available.


Job Search/Placement
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Dropout Programs
Vocational Assessment
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Career Exploration
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Benefits Screening
Prejob Guidance
Personal Financial Counseling
Vocational training including skills assessment, life skills training, job preparation and career planning.

Job experience in the areas of electronic recycling, refurbishing computers, warehousing, customer service, and auto mechanics.

Credit for community service, work experience, and workforce training for all Nebraska programs and agencies.


Vocational Assessment
Occupation Specific Job Training

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Work Permits
General Youth Employment Programs
Summer Youth Employment Programs
Offers students several different free workshops, sessions, and other special programs which assist middle and high school students in personal development, college preparation, and career exploration.

Community college.

GED preparation and testing.

ESL - English as a Second language classes.

Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.

Citizenship preparation.

Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.

Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.

Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.


Career Counseling
English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Community Colleges
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Tutoring Services
Adult Basic Education
Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Life Skills Education

Community college.

GED preparation and testing.

ESL - English as a Second language classes.

Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.

Citizenship preparation.

Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.

Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.

Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.


Career Counseling
English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Community Colleges
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Tutoring Services
Adult Basic Education
Literacy Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Sites
Life Skills Education
State contracted agency providing jobs, education, and training for people who have significant barriers to employment, have lost their jobs, or are just entering the workforce. Helps ADC/TANF beneficiaries meet requirements so they may continue to receive benefits.
Provides outreach and education services regarding energy, energy audit, and weatherization.