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Vocational services specializing in packaging, distribution, sorting, office paper shredding, and small part or hand assembly; individuals with disabilities do meaningful work in a sheltered employment setting.
Training opportunities for adults with disabilities to become more self-sufficient.
Benefits Planning and Work Incentives Counseling assists Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 14 to full retirement age in understanding how federal disability cash (SSDI/SSI), healthcare (Medicare/Medicaid) and other public benefits are impacted by income from work, providing the assurances needed to make informed decisions about working while disabled. This service also helps individuals identify and strategically use state/federal work incentives that best align with their work goals. Employment Services are provided under the Ticket to Work Program. The Ticket to Work program is uniquely designed for disability beneficiaries ages 18-64, that are currently receiving SSDI or SSI cash benefits, to obtain, maintain or advance in employment. Opportunity Consultants support individuals through the Nebraska Ticket to Work program by delivering career planning, goal setting, resume preparation, job search assistance, community resource navigation and personalized follow-along support. Participants also receive benefits education, healthcare planning and work incentive advisement.
Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Vocational training and job placement for developmentally disabled.

Community living training.

In-home support.

Shelter workshops and integrated work environments.


Attendant Services for People With Disabilities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Job Search/Placement
Supported Employment
Disability Related Center Based Employment

Services and activities for senior citizens to support their independence and community involvement.

Congregate meals Mon-Fri at 12 pm. Reservation required by 1 pm the day before by calling the senior center.

Recreation, health education, and informational programs.

Seward Senior Shuttle makes appointments every 15 minutes, Mon-Fri 9:30 am-3:30 pm for senior doctor appointments, grocery shopping, shopping, or to the senior center.

Information and referral.

Fun and fitness class.


Senior Ride Programs
Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Specialized Information and Referral
Community-based services and support to persons of all ages with developmental disabilities. Services includes Vocational training and employment services.

Adult leisure and recreational center for individuals who have reached retirement age. Clients are served through an alternative day program that emphasizes recreation, leisure, and maintenance of daily living skills. Alternative day services are also available for other adults whose needs do not include vocational or employment goals.


Supported Employment
Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Vocational Rehabilitation
Retail store and donation center for clothing, household items, and more.
Offers numerous training and work opportunities for persons with mental illnesses, personality disorders, and behavior disorders to learn the job skills and gain the work experience necessary to attain and maintain employment in the community. Job-seeking assistance, individualized instruction, on and off-site job coaching in the community, training and employment at one of Transitions' owned and operated businesses.


Disability Related Center Based Employment
Supported Employment
Assistance in exploring job opportunities, training and support on the job, and follow along support.
Day Centers and Residential Services (7 day centers and group homes in the Omaha area)

Assisted and supported residential services, including community integration, behavior management, housekeeping, medication management, rehabilitation counseling, transportation training, money management, personal hygiene skills, leisure, socialization and recreation, and menu planning.

Supportive employment opportunities in conjunction with vocational rehabilitation.

Supported and assisted day services including community activities (volunteer work sites), contractual work, daily living skills, leisure activities in the community, computer skills training, and arts and craft activities.


Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported employment services to job seekers and employers to create successful job matches.
Supported employment services to job seekers and employers to create successful job matches.
Day rehabilitation, day support, vocational rehabilitation, and supportive employment opportunities.

Congregate lunch at 12 noon Monday thru Friday.

Transportation to and from home, work, and appointments.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Supported Employment
Disability Related Transportation
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Provides vocational and residential services for persons with intellectual disabilities or chronic mental illness.


Occupation Specific Job Training
Residential Placement Services for People With Disabilities
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Supported Employment
Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Mental Health Related Community Support Services (CSS)
Provides services that are designed to give individuals with disabilities the opportunity to obtain employment in the community.
Provides employment assistance to older job seekers 55 and older. Services include skill assessment, paid training opportunities, job search assistance, and community referrals.


Job Search/Placement
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides individualized services and supports for adults with developmental disabilities in the areas of employment, skill development, social activities, and recreation opportunities.
Offers to teach skills that maximize the potential for employment andprovide job coaching and on-going support after employment.
Provides vocational training for persons who require a higher level of care than is available through other Hope Haven programs. Individuals receiving services must have a primary diagnosis of a mental disability and must be certified by the Iowa Foundation for Medical Care to be in need of this level of service.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs
Offers a broad scope of services to help restore and maintain the health and well being of the patient.


Occupational Therapy
Vocational Rehabilitation
For people with welfare dependency, homelessness, and lack of education or work experience, as well as those with physical, mental and emotional disabilities.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment

Career development, job development/planning, placement and on-going supports for persons with developmental or other disabilities.

Supported employment offers community-based work options for adults with developmental disabilities.

Job Club 8-week intensive job search program for individuals with disabilities. Participants focus on increasing employability skills, practicing interview skills, obtaining job leads, and helping one another.

Job Development assists adults with disabilities in determining the type of employment setting that best meets their needs, interests, and abilities. Staff assist with creating a resume and interviewing for jobs.

Job Coaching provides supplemental on the job training for adults with disabilities.

Continuing education classes are offered beyond high school in a variety of formats and settings and focus on independent living, money management, social, and employment-related skills.

Independent living services provide instruction for individuals who live in their own home (apartment or house) or in their family's home. Education, training and support is provided to maintain or increase independent living skills, such as money management, health and safety, interpersonal relations, community awareness, recreational skills, nutrition, hygiene and leisure.

The Art of Imagination classes offer artistic opportunities in traditional art forms such as painting, writing, drawing and photography and more alternative art forms such as papercraft, mail art, cartooning, post card and greeting card creation.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Supported Employment
Assists clients 18 and older who are diagnosed with a developmental and/or intellectual disability in both obtaining and maintaining community-based employment. A job developer supports clients in determining employment opportunities they are interested in and finding a job. Job developers also support clients to fill out applications, prepare resumes and perfect interview skills. Once a job is obtained the coach assists in learning job responsibilities, the culture and values of the work environment, job accommodations and explaining how employment affects client benefits.

Services and activities for senior citizens to support their independence and community involvement.

Congregate meals Wed and Fri at 11:30 am. Please make reservations by 10:30 am the day before the meal. Home delivered meals also available.

Recreation, health education, and informational programs.

Information and referral.

Fun and fitness class.

Social events some evenings.


Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Centers
Specialized Information and Referral
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites