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Administers retirement, disability, survivor, and family benefits, and enrolls individuals in Medicare. Also provides Social Security Numbers.


Social Security Disability Insurance
Retirement Benefits
Social Security Numbers

Child Care Expense Assistance through the Iowa Department of Human services is available to the children of income-eligible parents who are absent for a portion of the day due to employment or participation in academic or vocational training or PROMISE JOBS activities. Assistance may also be available for a limited period of time to the children of a parent looking for employment.




Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Provider Referrals
FIP (Family Investment Program) is a cash assistance program for children and their families who have low income, also available to relatives caring for children whose parents are not in the home. The goal of FIP is to help families leave poverty and become self supporting, can participate for up to 60 months. FIP is Iowa's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
FIP (Family Investment Program) is a cash assistance program for children and their families who have low income, also available to relatives caring for children whose parents are not in the home. The goal of FIP is to help families leave poverty and become self supporting, can participate for up to 60 months. FIP is Iowa's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
State Supplement adds to the benefits of the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program to bring the income of aged and disabled individuals up to the need of standards of Nebraska. Additionally, some persons are not eligible for SSI payments, but qualify for a State Supplement payment because of different standards and regulations.

State Disability provides aid to needy persons who have a disability expected to last for at least six months, but less than the 12 months required to be eligible for the federal Supplemental Security Income Program.
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Electronic Benefits Transfer Customer Services provides customer service for EBT cards including choosing PIN for first Iowa EBT card; changing PIN number; account balances; recording of last 10 transactions; reporting a problem with account; ask a question about using the EBT card; and reporting a lost, stolen, or damaged card.


Food Stamps/SNAP Fraud Reporting
Food Stamps/SNAP Appeals/Complaints
EBT Card Services

Child Care Expense Assistance through the Iowa Department of Human services is available to the children of income-eligible parents who are absent for a portion of the day due to employment or participation in academic or vocational training or PROMISE JOBS activities. Assistance may also be available for a limited period of time to the children of a parent looking for employment.




Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Provider Referrals

Child Care Expense Assistance through the Iowa Department of Human services is available to the children of income-eligible parents who are absent for a portion of the day due to employment or participation in academic or vocational training or PROMISE JOBS activities. Assistance may also be available for a limited period of time to the children of a parent looking for employment.




Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Provider Referrals
Locally administered welfare program providing financial assistance to persons who are not eligible for any other state or federal assistance and do not have income or resources to provide for their basic needs.
Provides assistance one time, once a year, for basic needs that may include rent/lot rent, utilities-gas, electric, water, and food vouchers. Cannot be receiving FIP, be on Subsidized Housing, or a student.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Prescription Medication Services
General Relief
FIP (Family Investment Program) is a cash assistance program for children and their families who have low income, also available to relatives caring for children whose parents are not in the home. The goal of FIP is to help families leave poverty and become self supporting, can participate for up to 60 months. FIP is Iowa's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
State Supplement adds to the benefits of the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program to bring the income of aged and disabled individuals up to the need of standards of Nebraska. Additionally, some persons are not eligible for SSI payments, but qualify for a State Supplement payment because of different standards and regulations.

State Disability provides aid to needy persons who have a disability expected to last for at least six months, but less than the 12 months required to be eligible for the federal Supplemental Security Income Program.
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Seeks, as resources allow, to help refugees and asylees reach economic self-sufficiency and to them with any problems, interests and concerns they may have. The Bureau of Refugee Services works to serve as a central clearinghouse in order to refer refugees and asylees to any resource necessary and available to them. The Bureau is the service agency for all refugees enrolled in FIP, the state welfare reform program.

Now offering a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) program. This program will help participants prepare for the class, enroll into the DMACC CDL program at no cost, and obtain a job after completion. Participants will also qualify for "Jump Start" training specially designed to help English Language Learners.


Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Language Interpretation
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Refugee/Entrant Cash Assistance
Driver Training
Financial and/or medical assistance to families residing in Rock Island County, who have children. Pregnant women and their spouses may also be eligible for this program.
FIP (Family Investment Program) is a cash assistance program for children and their families who have low income, also available to relatives caring for children whose parents are not in the home. The goal of FIP is to help families leave poverty and become self supporting, can participate for up to 60 months. FIP is Iowa's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
FIP (Family Investment Program) is a cash assistance program for children and their families who have low income, also available to relatives caring for children whose parents are not in the home. The goal of FIP is to help families leave poverty and become self supporting, can participate for up to 60 months. FIP is Iowa's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Work Permits
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Unemployment Insurance

Working families can apply for a scholarship to help cover some to all of the cost of a licensed childcare home or center.

The early learning scholarships program is intended to support working families in the high cost of quality care for children 6 weeks to 6 years in a full day/full-year setting (not attending kindergarten) or attending the Program due to a need for care that extends beyond the hours provided by the publicly funded program (i.e., wrapping hours around Head Start of Public Preschool).

State Supplement adds to the benefits of the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program to bring the income of aged and disabled individuals up to the need of standards of Nebraska. Additionally, some persons are not eligible for SSI payments, but qualify for a State Supplement payment because of different standards and regulations.

State Disability provides aid to needy persons who have a disability expected to last for at least six months, but less than the 12 months required to be eligible for the federal Supplemental Security Income Program.
State Supplement adds to the benefits of the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program to bring the income of aged and disabled individuals up to the need of standards of Nebraska. Additionally, some persons are not eligible for SSI payments, but qualify for a State Supplement payment because of different standards and regulations.

State Disability provides aid to needy persons who have a disability expected to last for at least six months, but less than the 12 months required to be eligible for the federal Supplemental Security Income Program.