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A class for divorcing parents with minor children or those going through modification with custody.

A class for divorcing parents with minor children or those going through modification with custody. Visit website or call to register for class.
Children in the Middle is a four hour class providing education and affirmation for parents, with the primary focus on children's needs at all ages. This is required in the state of Iowa.

** Des Moines does not offer Children in the Middle Classes. For information on classes, visit the Iowa Judicial Branch website: https://www.iowacourts.gov/iowa-courts/district-court/judicial-district-5/family-law-mediation **
Court-mandated program for divorcing parents.
Provides online classes for Iowa divorcing families with children in the middle (Children in the Middle class is offered).


Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Parenting Skills Classes

A class for divorcing parents with minor children or those going through modification with custody.

A 2.5 hour one time class that meets the Iowa Eighth Judicial District Requirements for Children in the Middle. Skills taught include anger control, respectful communication and ending loyalty conflicts.
Children in the Middle is a four hour class providing education and affirmation for parents, with the primary focus on children's needs at all ages. This is required in the state of Iowa.

** Des Moines does not offer Children in the Middle Classes. For information on classes, visit the Iowa Judicial Branch website: https://www.iowacourts.gov/iowa-courts/district-court/judicial-district-5/family-law-mediation **
Offers the Children In The Middle class for divorcing parents and other interested people. Provides education and affirmation for parents and others interested in the welfare of children. Primary focus is on children's needs and parent behavior. A class of this type is required for both parties in dissolution of marriage. Classes are currently offered online.


Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Co-Parenting Workshops
Parenting Skills Classes
A class for divorcing parents with minor children or those going through modification with custody. Visit website or call to register for class.