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Baby Bucks helps participants earn points by going to doctor appointments, taking parenting classes, having and keeping a job, or volunteering. Points can be used in the Baby Bucks store to obtain baby and maternity items.
Stork's Nest is an educational incentive program. Participants earn points for healthy behaviors such as keeping medical appointments, WIC participation, breastfeeding and school attendance. These points are redeemed for needed baby items such as diapers, clothing, strollers, cribs and car seats.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Baby Clothing

Offers to empower, support and advocate for foster, adoptive and kinship families across Iowa. IFAPA provides support, training and resources to promote safety, permanency and well-being for Iowa's children. Information and referrals are provided as well as parenting materials and skills classes. This is a private, non-profit organization. This is an affiliate of the National Foster Parents Association.


Parenting Skills Classes
Child Welfare/Family Services Associations
Parenting Materials
Youth Focused Services work to improve outcomes for at-risk or system-involved youth to keep families together and communities safe.

Refugee Advocacy addresses the disproportionate contact refugee families have with the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.

Community Youth Coaching is a youth-guided, family-driven alternative to detention providing innovative, individualized services, strengthening safety through relationship building, skill building, and practicing problem-solving to interrupt cycles of negative behavior.

Parenting Group Classes are offered for parents/caregivers with children of any age. Nurturing Parenting Group is a 12-week course designed to help parents acquire knowledge and skills to improve overall parenting skills and address known contributors to child maltreatment. Circle of Security Parenting Group is an 8-week course promoting secure attachment by focusing on the parent/ caregivers' understanding of their child's emotional world.

Restorative Justice utilizes restorative practices to emphasize the harm done to an individual, group, and/or community due to choices and actions one has made. The group and curriculum work to involve all those affected by the crime in the resolution process and develop new perspectives of healing and hope. The goal is to repair harm and prevent further harm or crime from occurring.


General Victim Impact Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Classes related to parenting, childbirth, and breastfeeding. Details and class schedule available online.


Breastfeeding Support Programs
Childbirth Education
Parenting Skills Classes
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Uses the Creative Curriculum to serve ages 6 weeks-5 years through a licensed and curriculum based program with developmental screening and family connection nights.
Works with families and children in need of a safe and stable home. Home studies, support for foster and adoptive parents and relative caregivers, safety planning for families in crises, and life and parenting skills training are some of the services offered.


Parenting Skills Classes
Foster Parent/Family Recruitment
Adoptive Family Recruitment
Family Support includes learning to access and utilize community resources, parenting classes, anger management classes, Circle of Security, Love and Logic and Common Sense Parenting Classes.


Anger Management
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops

Offers family programming for parents of children age(s) 0-5 twice a week. Parents are welcome to bring their children and drop them off in our child care room, while they either take a break in the parent room, attend one of our guest speakers, or chat with our parent educators or other parents about child development. A nightly parenting class is also offered during the fall and spring that meets DHS requirements.

Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops

Serves Linn County parents for whom their mental health and substance abuse issues have been a barrier to effectively parenting their children. These individuals may also be homeless or on the verge of homelessness with limited access to services. Connecting this service with other child and family services in the community helps ensure that young children and their parents have the comprehensive support they need.

Offers parenting support and education for women and men.


Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Care Provider Training
Co-Parenting Workshops
Parent support groups for parents of special needs children (developmental disabilities, behavioral/emotional disorders, or physical challenges).

Parenting classes.

Information and referral.

Educational materials and quarterly newsletter.

Trained advocates can attend meetings with parents, such as court hearings and IEPs, and can meet one on one in home to address parenting concerns.


Home Based Parenting Education
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting programs for parents of children 2-5 years old, 6-16 years old, ADD/ADH/ADHD children, and Spanish speaking parents - La Crianiza Practica Le Los Hijos, Ninos.

Classes held in various locations.
Parenting programs for parents of children 2-5 years old, 6-16 years old, ADD/ADH/ADHD children, and Spanish speaking parents - La Crianiza Practica Le Los Hijos, Ninos.

Classes held in various locations.