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Provides assistance with independent living services for Nebraska youth (generally ages 16-21) who may be aging out of the state foster care system.
YSS Supportive Housing programs help get young adults into safe, secure housing so they can focus on building a brighter future. These programs provide living options that center on participants achieving self-sufficiency. YSS advocates work one-on-one with the participants to create a plan to acquire safe and secure housing, stable employment, and financial stability.

Programs include:
Transitional Living Program (Ames, Boone, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 16-21
Rapid Rehousing (Ames, Boone, Des Moines, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 18-24
Lighthouse (Boone, Des Moines) - Families with parents ages 16-24
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (Des Moines) - Single individuals or families ages 18-24 based on income


Youth Centers
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Supervised Living for Older Youth

Provides assistance for youth, ages 17 up to age 23, who are preparing to exit or have 'aged out' of foster care or other court ordered placement, meet the challenges of living independently and transition successfully to adulthood.Case Management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.

Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.


Supervised Living for Older Youth
Occupation Specific Job Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Life Skills Education
Case/Care Management
YSS Supportive Housing programs help get young adults into safe, secure housing so they can focus on building a brighter future. These programs provide living options that center on participants achieving self-sufficiency. YSS advocates work one-on-one with the participants to create a plan to acquire safe and secure housing, stable employment, and financial stability.

Programs include:
Transitional Living Program (Ames, Boone, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 16-21
Rapid Rehousing (Ames, Boone, Des Moines, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 18-24
Lighthouse (Boone, Des Moines) - Families with parents ages 16-24
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (Des Moines) - Single individuals or families ages 18-24 based on income


Youth Centers
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Supervised Living for Older Youth
YSS Supportive Housing programs help get young adults into safe, secure housing so they can focus on building a brighter future. These programs provide living options that center on participants achieving self-sufficiency. YSS advocates work one-on-one with the participants to create a plan to acquire safe and secure housing, stable employment, and financial stability.

Programs include:
Transitional Living Program (Ames, Boone, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 16-21
Rapid Rehousing (Ames, Boone, Des Moines, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 18-24
Lighthouse (Boone, Des Moines) - Families with parents ages 16-24
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (Des Moines) - Single individuals or families ages 18-24 based on income


Youth Centers
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Supervised Living for Older Youth
Foster care program for teens.


Supervised Living for Older Youth
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Case/Care Management
Life Skills Education
Assistance for youth, 18 - 21 years of age, who have 'aged out' of foster care, meet the challenges of living independently, and achieve self efficiency.

Case management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.

Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.


Supervised Living for Older Youth
Life Skills Education

Offers comprehensive programs and housing for young women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Provides housing, counseling, education and career development, life skills, nutrition and health care, spiritual guidance, referrals for other human services, and specialized education on the options of parenting or placing for adoption.

Not an emergency shelter.


Supervised Living for Older Youth
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Teen Family Planning Programs
Maternity Homes