Offers emotional support to families grieving the death of a precious child of any age and from any cause. Provides support to parents (and anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings through local chapters in the United States.
Offers emotional support to families grieving the death of a precious child of any age and from any cause. Provides support to parents (and anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings through local chapters in the United States.
Offers support groups so that those who are grieving have a place where they can meet and share with others who are having a similar experience. Groups meet each month.
Offers support groups so that those who are grieving have a place where they can meet and share with others who are having a similar experience. Groups meet each month.
Provides counseling for persons dealing with the death/loss of a loved one. Also offers a bereavement camp for children ages 7-16, a Grief Resource Library, and other Grief Support Groups. Also offers support groups for grieving parents like Adult Bereavement, Beyond Baby Blues, Empty Arms, Homicide Survivors, and Parents With Empty Arms.
Provides counseling for persons dealing with the death/loss of a loved one. Also offers a bereavement camp for children ages 7-16, a Grief Resource Library, and other Grief Support Groups. Also offers support groups for grieving parents like Adult Bereavement, Beyond Baby Blues, Empty Arms, Homicide Survivors, and Parents With Empty Arms.
Counseling support for families whose child has died of SIDS.
Peer support is offered; families can be put in touch with other families whose child has died of SIDS for support and information for grieving individuals and families.
Materials such as pamphlets, brochures, and other resources about SIDS and grief are available to anyone who has experienced a SIDS death.
Counseling support for families whose child has died of SIDS.
Peer support is offered; families can be put in touch with other families whose child has died of SIDS for support and information for grieving individuals and families.
Materials such as pamphlets, brochures, and other resources about SIDS and grief are available to anyone who has experienced a SIDS death.
Offers grief support opportunities provided at no cost for anyone in the community. Services include: Amanda the Panda program's grief camps (program listed separately), monthly or quarterly support groups, eight-week educational support groups, memorial gatherings, family nights, peer support and mailed resources. Events and support groups are hosted at EveryStep Hospice locations in eight Iowa communities and at the EveryStep Grief and Loss Services office (home of Amanda the Panda) in West Des Moines. Bereavement counselors are available to meet with families or visit by phone throughout the first year following a hospice patient's death. The counselor can provide families with information or simply lend a friendly ear.
Offers grief support opportunities provided at no cost for anyone in the community. Services include: Amanda the Panda program's grief camps (program listed separately), monthly or quarterly support groups, eight-week educational support groups, memorial gatherings, family nights, peer support and mailed resources. Events and support groups are hosted at EveryStep Hospice locations in eight Iowa communities and at the EveryStep Grief and Loss Services office (home of Amanda the Panda) in West Des Moines. Bereavement counselors are available to meet with families or visit by phone throughout the first year following a hospice patient's death. The counselor can provide families with information or simply lend a friendly ear.
Provides support groups for coping with Suicide Loss for those who have lost a loved one or friend to suicide, Hearing Voices and Special Messages for those hearing voices or have other unusual experiences, Suicide Attempt Survivor for those who have survived a suicide attempt.
Provides support groups for coping with Suicide Loss for those who have lost a loved one or friend to suicide, Hearing Voices and Special Messages for those hearing voices or have other unusual experiences, Suicide Attempt Survivor for those who have survived a suicide attempt.
The Family Resource Center offers a support group for individuals and families who have experienced a loss. The group meets the 3rd Thursday each month from 4 pm to 5 pm at the Family Resource Center.
The Family Resource Center offers a support group for individuals and families who have experienced a loss. The group meets the 3rd Thursday each month from 4 pm to 5 pm at the Family Resource Center.
Offers emotional support to families grieving the death of a precious child of any age and from any cause. Provides support to parents (and anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings through local chapters in the United States.
Offers emotional support to families grieving the death of a precious child of any age and from any cause. Provides support to parents (and anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings through local chapters in the United States.
Offers emotional support to families grieving the death of a precious child of any age and from any cause. Provides support to parents (and anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings through local chapters in the United States.
Offers emotional support to families grieving the death of a precious child of any age and from any cause. Provides support to parents (and anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings through local chapters in the United States.
Provides two support groups, one for adults and one for young people who have lost a loved one to suicide. These groups meet twice monthly and is open to all adults and young people who need support in dealing with this special grief. New members are required to call to schedule an intake meeting before their first session.
Provides two support groups, one for adults and one for young people who have lost a loved one to suicide. These groups meet twice monthly and is open to all adults and young people who need support in dealing with this special grief. New members are required to call to schedule an intake meeting before their first session.
Grief support offers seminars and support groups for those experiencing grief issues related to a death. Offered once or twice per year. Call for details and selection option #1.
Grief support offers seminars and support groups for those experiencing grief issues related to a death. Offered once or twice per year. Call for details and selection option #1.