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Assistance is available for families with children under 18. Funds may be used for rent/house payments, utilities, and mental health.

Rent assistance is only available if client has received an eviction notice.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Outpatient Mental Health Services including therapy, psychological/psychiatric evaluations, and medication management.


Psychiatric Medication Services
General Counseling Services
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Comprehensive Information and Referral
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Work Clothing
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Case/Care Management
Work Clothing
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Medical Expense Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services

Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Medical Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Rent Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Work Clothing
General Assistance provides limited funding for assistance for rent, utilities, and some medical expenses. Also accepts applications for county funding for mental health services.


Medical Expense Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
General Relief
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Transportation Expense Assistance
Work Clothing
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Medical Expense Assistance
Case/Care Management
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Comprehensive Information and Referral
Transportation Expense Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Work Clothing
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Work Clothing
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Case/Care Management
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Medical Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Work Clothing
Connects service members and Veterans with local mental health resources, and addiction and recovery services. Works with community partners to help make costs for service members and Veterans free. Other services not covered by community partners may be paid for with grants provided by Outside the Box.


Mental Health Expense Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral

Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, medical expenses, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Case/Care Management
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Work Clothing
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Grants/Loans
Rent Payment Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Transportation Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Limited funding sometimes available for vehicle repair, minor home repairs and dental work.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Dental Care
Medical Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Case/Care Management
Work Clothing
Transportation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance

Provides funding for needs that other programs do not cover such as clinical appointments, therapeutic programs and medications. This is a free program for Linn County children under the age of 21 who have needs related to a mental health diagnosis.


Mental Health Expense Assistance
Outpatient Mental Health Services including therapy, psychological/psychiatric evaluations, and medication management.


Psychiatric Medication Services
General Counseling Services
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Medical Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Work Clothing
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Medical Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Work Clothing
Connects youth and families with resources and support. Navigators have the ability to "fill gaps", either through helping agencies partner around a common goal, or through flexible funding for needs such as rent, utilities, transportation, and more.

Community Response is designed to reduce unnecessary involvement of child welfare and juvenile justice while increasing the informal and community supports for youth and families. By utilizing Central Navigation, the goal is to coordinate existing resources and match participants with a resource to either solve an immediate need or develop a longer-term coaching relationship.


Economic Self Sufficiency Programs
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Medical Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Comprehensive Information and Referral
Rent Payment Assistance
Work Clothing
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Expense Assistance