Non-residential level-4 outpatient substance abuse program which provides substance abuse counseling and relapse prevention program. Services are offered to individuals abusing substances or individuals who have been affected by someone else's use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs. The availability and accessibility of community-based services allows individuals to remain in their own environment while receiving services that meet their needs in the least restrictive environment.
Offers outpatient programming designed to give support and teach the skills needed to live and function in their daily lives, but may need regular check-in and support to ensure that they continue to grow and thrive. Sessions offered one to three times per week. Drug testing is also provided.
Provides Matrix treatment model consists of active treatment and long-term aftercare support that includes family and individual therapy and gender-specific groups. The dual-diagnosis approach provides on-site integrated mental health evaluation and treatment, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, and 24-hour emergency access.
Non-residential level-4 outpatient substance abuse program which provides substance abuse counseling and relapse prevention program. Services are offered to individuals abusing substances or individuals who have been affected by someone else's use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs. The availability and accessibility of community-based services allows individuals to remain in their own environment while receiving services that meet their needs in the least restrictive environment.
Outpatient treatment offered to those displaying problems related to substance abuse, who are able to maintain a moderate level of acceptable functioning within the home, school, and community.
Provides Matrix treatment model consists of active treatment and long-term aftercare support that includes family and individual therapy and gender-specific groups. The dual-diagnosis approach provides on-site integrated mental health evaluation and treatment, psychiatric evaluation, medication management, and 24-hour emergency access.
Residential and non-residential substance abuse and mental health services for men and women age 19 and above.
Short-term and long-term residential treatment. Clients in residential treatment live in a safe, supportive environment, meet weekly with a licensed therapist, and attend a variety of groups focused on substance use and mental health.
Offers a day and evening non-residential Intensive Outpatient Program. Clients meet weekly with a licensed therapist and attend 9 hours of programming, meeting 3 hours 3 times per week.
Evening non-residential Outpatient Program requires a commitment of 3 hours of programming for 1.5 hours twice a week, and individual meetings with a licensed therapist as needed.
Offers behavioral health and psychiatry services to any adult in need. Services include individual therapy, adult couple therapy, substance use disorder services/addiction treatment, crisis services, assertive community treatment (ACT), intensive psychiatric rehabilitation, community based services, care team, wraparound services, and Mobile Crisis Response Team.
Offers outpatient mental health counseling, mental health evaluations, substance abuse evaluations, intensive outpatient substance abuse groups and treatment, as well as referrals to higher levels of care for each individual's unique needs.
Offers prevention services to promote the health and well-being of individuals, families and community members.
Group-focused non-residential services for substance abusing clients who require a more structured or more intensive treatment approach than can be provided in an outpatient program but do not require residential services. Individuals receiving these particular services have been formally assessed and have been diagnosed with either a substance abuse or substance dependency diagnosis.
Non-residential level-4 outpatient substance abuse program which provides substance abuse counseling and relapse prevention program. Services are offered to individuals abusing substances or individuals who have been affected by someone else's use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs. The availability and accessibility of community-based services allows individuals to remain in their own environment while receiving services that meet their needs in the least restrictive environment.
Non-residential level-4 outpatient substance abuse program which provides substance abuse counseling and relapse prevention program. Services are offered to individuals abusing substances or individuals who have been affected by someone else's use or abuse of alcohol or other drugs. The availability and accessibility of community-based services allows individuals to remain in their own environment while receiving services that meet their needs in the least restrictive environment.
Offers an addictions recovery program for those wanting to get sober. Clients are allowed to stay in their own home while participating in the recovery program instead of living in one of the sober houses. Clients participating in the Live-Outs program still attend all meetings and activities available to those living in one of the sober homes.
Detoxification services help a person become alcohol or drug-free. Individuals are medically monitored for withdrawal and other complications which may occur following cessation of prolonged use of alcohol or drugs.
Offers an adult intensive outpatient treatment program, providing group-based treatment.
Inpatient and outpatient services for adults, and outpatient services for adolescents with substance abuse problems.
Offers early intervention groups for both adults and adolescents.
Outpatient assessments, referrals, intensive outpatient treatment, and peer support related to substance use. Through these interventions, the client with a substance abuse issue learns their issues are not unique and can be addressed. Family and loved ones are also taught coping skills to assist them in supporting the user build a healthier lifestyle.
Level I Outpatient Therapy provides professionally directed evaluation, treatment and recovery services for individuals experiencing a substance use disorder. Treatment services are provided in group or individual sessions or a combination of both, depending on an individual's needs. Treatment typically lasts 12 weeks.
The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a group-focused, non-residential program for adults 19 and older. IOP is more in-depth than traditional outpatient treatment services, offering a minimum of 10 hours of treatment per week. IOP typically lasts six to eight weeks. Intensive groups meet for three-hour sessions, three days a week. Each participant must also attend at least one additional individual or family session each week. Services are available days and evenings.
Substance Use Evaluations are specialized assessments used to clinically determine possible substance use issues, with recommendations for an appropriate level of care if determined to be medically necessary.
Outpatient treatment services for substance use. Services are self-paced, and length of time is based on individual need. Group meetings are available. Individual and family counseling sessions are provided as needed.
Offers behavioral health and psychiatry services to any adult in need. Services include individual therapy, adult couple therapy, substance use disorder services/addiction treatment, crisis services, assertive community treatment (ACT), intensive psychiatric rehabilitation, community based services, care team, wraparound services, and Mobile Crisis Response Team.
Mental health counseling in home or in office. Focus on the following areas: parent-child conflict; adolescent conflicts; step-family and adoption issues; parenting and communication skills; abuse issues; physical, emotional and sexual, behavior issues; ADHD; anger management; impulse control; dependency issues; emotional issues; unresolved grief/loss; depression; and self-harm.
Chemical dependency services, including drug testing.
Psychological evaluations.
In-home parent education.
Anger management classes for adults and adolescents.