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Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

CASA offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Recruits, trains and supports community volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children in the Seward, Saline, Thayer, Jefferson, and Gage County court system.

CASAs maintain contact with the children during the entire court jurisdiction period. They work with attorneys, therapists, parents, foster parents, and all adults involved with the child; and get to know the child's needs and makes reports to the court, so a more informed decision can be made.

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Specially trained community volunteers are appointed by Juvenile Court Judges to speak in the best interest of children who are brought before the court for reasons of abuse or neglect.

The volunteer CASA then investigates, monitors, and reports on that case. Through
their investigation, they provide a written report to the court detailing what is happening on the case and any recommendations for the best interest of the child they have.
Recruits, trains, and supports volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates) who are assigned by a juvenile court judge to advocate for a child or group of siblings who are under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect.


Volunteer Recruitment/Placement
Guardians ad Litem
Children's Rights Groups

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates) who are assigned by a juvenile court judge to advocate for a child, who is under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect.
Training, empowering and inspiring volunteer advocates to improve the lives of abused and neglected children.

CASA volunteers maintain contact with the children for the duration of time they are involved in the juvenile justice system. Volunteers work with all case professionals involved in the children's case, including attorneys, therapists, foster parents, school officials, and biological parents. CASA volunteers become deeply rooted into the child's life to better understand the wants and needs of the child and to establish and report the best recommendations to give to the court, so a more informed decision can be made.
Advocacy program for children involved in the juvenile court system through abuse/neglect circumstances.
Recruit, screen, train and support volunteers who are assigned by a Juvenile Court judge to advocate for a child who is under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect.

Volunteers advocate for the children during the entire court jurisdiction period. They work with therapist, parents, foster parents, and all adults involved with the child as well as visiting the child regularly.

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Recruits, screens, trains and supports adult volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates) to represent the best interests of child victims of abuse and neglect in the courts, to support and ensure child victims find safe, permanent homes.

Recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates) who are assigned by a juvenile court judge to advocate for a child, who is under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect.

Serves as the child's voice in court.
Court appointed advocates for youth who have been abused, neglected, and usually placed in foster care.
Trains, recruits, and supports community volunteers who advocate on behalf of abused, neglected, truant or ungovernable children in the juvenile court system; court appointed advocacy for children.


Guardians ad Litem
Children's Rights Groups
Recruits, screens, trains, and supports volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates) who are appointed by a juvenile court judge to advocate for a child, who is under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect.

CASAs maintain contact with the children during the entire court jurisdiction period. Work with attorneys, therapists, parents, foster parents, and all adults involved with the child; and get to know the child's needs and makes reports to the court, so a more informed decision can be made.
Recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers (Court Appointed Special Advocates) who are assigned by a juvenile court judge to advocate for a child, who is under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect. Serves as the child's voice in court.

Offers trained adult volunteers assisting children who are going through the court system due to child abuse or neglect.

Trained community volunteers that assist in coordinating between courts and local resources to help abused or neglected children. Can be available for direct testimony in court hearings.
Recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers to serve as a child's voice in court. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) are assigned by a juvenile court judge to advocate for a child, who is under the jurisdiction of the court due to abuse or neglect.